[This is the third installment on my month long trip from San Diego to Massachusetts. It took place in April 2015]
So Utah didn’t quite live up to my expectations, but I had fun. And anyway, what can I expect on such a short visit?

Lookout Mountain Colorado. Notice the Coors Brewery in the background.
On the way to Denver via the beautiful I-70, I got a surprise. I thought my flying was over until I reached Lookout Mountain Georgia or even Virginia, but nope. I found out that Zippy and Majo were in Denver and planning to fly a local site. That site happened to be Lookout Mountain…Colorado.
After checking out the launch that evening, enjoying the sunset, grabbing dinner, sampling some local beer, and making our way to a local pilot’s house to crash for the night, we discussed plans for the next morning. Do we fly Lookout? Do we take a gamble and try to fly the legendary Pike’s Peak? In the end there were too many uncertainties with Pike’s Peak (wind, gates, road to launch) and Lookout won out. Pike’s would be incredible, but no complaints on my end. A flight is a flight is a flight, and a new site on top.
Lookout Mountain’s bowl launch unfortunately is a hike-up site. Between the three of us we were able to make quick work of it. Launch overlooks Golden Colorado, home of the Coors Brewery. Behind launch are the white peaked Rockies and steep sided canyons. Though my flight itself wasn’t the greatest—I was flushed out after 30 minutes—it’ll be a site I definitely add to my itinerary on future trips.
After touchdown, it was back in the car and onward for me. Next stop, after a long, straight drive over the flat lands, the more well known Lookout Mountain, the one in Georgia.